Heroes of Planet Earth
We are starting this group to form a community of individuals who by living a more purposeful lifestyle, small acts multiplied by millions of people can change our world!💪🏻
This group wants to encourage and empower YOU to join us to lead a more purposeful lifestyle for the benefit of future generations.
Lets protect OUR children, grandchildren, and future generations, YOU can help, YOU matter, OUR collective voice matters!
As a global inclusive group we respect diversity, religion, belief, and free responsible speech.
Follow our group Heroes of Planet Earth and share you views on environment to protect our mother Earth together!
We focus on 5 pillars:

Food and drink may be the most important aspect of all our lives. It is fundamental to our survival and plays a pivotal role in not only our physical health, but our mental health too. There isn’t a single person on the planet who can live without it. However, each year, an enormous quantity of food is wasted at an individual level, but predominantly in the hospitality and food service sector, as well as the manufacture, retail and wholesale sectors. This is not only what we would consider edible food waste as many inedible by-products of food production are wasted too, by simply being tossed out or not properly separated during the disposal process. These could be recycled and put to good use agriculturally or as fuel for bioenergy. At a time of growing food insecurity this is an especially large problem because this means of production is harmful to the planet’s natural systems. An enormous amount of energy and resources is needed throughout the stages of the food system to grow, harvest, transport, and package goods. Consequently, industrial food production is one of the biggest contributors to deforestation, freshwater pollution, biodiversity loss, and climate change.
Clothing / Fashion
Clothing takes an important part in our daily lives. The way a person dresses affects their image. The right fashionable clothes can enhance your image; however, an dirty unkempt clothes make people feel they have no credibility. While the streets are full of fashionable clothing that attracts consumers to buy new clothes every season, the production, transportation, and cleaning of clothes has a huge negative impact on the environment. The production of clothes requires a large amount of water, electricity, chemicals, and other natural resources. Cotton is the main fiber used to make clothes, but it takes more than 20,000 liters of water to produce one kilogram of cotton for a T-shirt and a pair of jeans. During the production process, different chemicals are added to soften and wrinkle-proof the fabric. Producing, packaging, and transporting a garment is a continuous process of emissions. Even after the clothes are sold, the pollution remains. The laundry detergent used to wash clothes has phosphate added to it, a substance that has the effect of orbiting hard water, making it easier for dirt to dissolve and come off the clothes. The phosphate in the laundry water is the nutrient for various algae and plankton, which causes the water to become "eutrophic", resulting in an explosion of algae and other plankton, a drop in dissolved oxygen in the water, a deterioration in water quality, and a massive die-off of fish and other organisms. The lower price of clothes leads consumers to ignore the environmental pollution that comes with its manufacture. Consumers buy new clothes each season and wear them a few times before throwing them in the rubbish to increase textile waste. Reducing over-consumption reduces the negative environmental impact of the clothing industry.

With the rise in mental health issues, especially amongst the youth, the time for taking greater care of our own and others wellbeing has never been more prominent. This is the state of being comfortable, healthy and happy which quite often is harder to obtain than you might think. Whilst the rise in technology has many benefits as a society, individually it comes with new drawbacks. Social media can leave us feeling more isolated and alone than ever before. Games and constant content watching leads to an inescapable hole of instant gratification, leading to a rise in ADHD. And the ease of access of news and media can create a feeling of anxiety as we watch all the world’s tragedies play out from the palm of our hands, whilst not being able to help. We need to take a step back from everything we think is important and focus on the most important person in your life... you! Make sure that you are as comfortable, happy and healthy you can be. This can be done with exercise, eating healthy, talking to friends, family and loved ones, sleeping well, or even just having a nice bath every once in a while. The truth is, nobody can tell you how to be happy, just take the time to figure it out for yourself.

How do we get from one place to another? Transportation. This could take the form of walking, cycling, rollerblading or even by horse, but is most commonly referred to driving, flying or taking the train. It is an absolutely essential part of our day to day lives, and quintessential to a functioning economy and society. Whilst this is deemed necessary, transportation is also an enormous contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, whether from the fossil fuels used in petrol and diesel or to make the electricity for electric cars, or the emissions released in the manufacturing process of all the vehicles. Transport is a highly polluting sector and is often singled out because of greenhouse gas emissions such as CO₂. Every year, about 7 million die due to excessive fine particle exposure. In addition to air pollution, freight transport in general can create very problematic noise pollution and is one of the main factors in water pollution. With numerous cars being destroyed each year and an ever increasing population, the emissions are only going to climb. The most obvious answer to our problem resides in the use of public transport, namely trains and buses as these can divide our individual carbon footprint for each journey considerably. Whilst some cities, such as Budapest, have made public trams, trains and buses a desirable mode of transportation, it is still too expensive, too slow or too unattractive an option for the majority of people to be deterred from the comfort of their own car. This, along with fewer plane journeys, should be changed to see a dramatic change in the emissions from the transport sector.

Plastic is a two-edged sword product. It is flexible, lightweight, easy to maintain over a long period of time and low cost. The feature of maintain in a longer period having a negative impact on the environment. Plastic is made up of a mixture of liquefied petroleum gas and natural gas. It takes longer to decompose as it is not biodegradable. In addition, it produces large amounts of carbon dioxide during the manufacturing process. This carbon dioxide is released into the air, through the water cycle and then fills our lives, including the air, soil and water, indirectly causing environmental pollution. It is harmful to the environment. The main problem with plastic is that it is difficult to break down in the natural environment. In the natural environment it may break down into small pieces that are ingested by animals and enter the food chain. It is toxic to animals and has a negative impact on the food chain of animals and humans and has probability to enter the human food chain. Some Chemicals in plastic may be absorbed into the human skin and enter the body as a result. The best way is to reduce the use of plastic products.